How to put together the perfect Easter Cheeseboard

  • 2 min read

How to plate up a cheeseboard like an expert

The weather is changeable, the daffodils have long been out and Easter weekend is fast approaching. Come rain or shine, long country walks or time spent indoors we know we're most looking forward to catching up with family over the weekend. We know from experience that whatever the situation, nothing says "Family gathering" like a really good cheese board. 

But where to begin? There’s more to putting together a great cheeseboard than arranging your crackers and slicing some cheese. Here is our step by step guide on getting it right.

 The Trethowan Brothers Handmade Cheese Selection. Organic Somerset Cheesemakers

  1. Cheese

We recommend that you include a goat’s cheese, something soft, something hard and a strong blue. Here are some options that you can buy on our online shop

Gorwydd - An Award winning Caerphilly

Pitchfork - Nicknamed the "Aston Martin of Cheddar" by Jamie Oliver

Stichelton - A wonderful handmade blue cheese

Ragstone - A glorious mild goat's cheese

Finn - A double cream French style cheese made independently in Herefordshire

Trethowan Brothers Easter Cheeseboard Selection. Organic Somerset Cheesemakers

  1. Crackers

Right now on our online shop we are offering millers damsel buttermilk biscuits and Mor snap crackers, to complement all styles of cheese:

Mor snap crackers

Buttermilk biscuits


  1. Relishes

Ideally you want something both sweet and acidic to complement your selection. Serve up these kitchen garden relishes and your guests will be begging you for where you got them from.

Ploughman's Pickle

Plum & Date Chutney

Old Spot Real Ale Chutney

Red Onion Marmalade


  1. Prep

This step is important and too frequently ignored! Be sure to allow your cheese to reach room temperature before serving, instead of bringing the cheese straight out of the fridge, this is because the full profiles of the cheese flavours can be lost when chilled.


Trethowan Brothers Easter Cheeseboard. Organic Somerset Cheesemakers

  1. Drinks pairings

If you’re stuck for drinks pairings we have plenty of inspiration specific to each cheese.

For a cheddar like Pitchfork try a white wine from the Southern Rhone Valley. Or a Chilean Pinot Noir. Contrary to popular belief white wines are a fantastic match for cheddar cheese!

For a Caerphilly like Gorwydd Try a quality Breton cider with a hint of residual sugar and tannin.

For creamier cheeses, like Finn, or blue cheeses like Stichelton sparkling wines or sweet ciders hit the spot.

For Goats cheese (and we recommend Ragstone) white wines from the loire valet are a classic pairing.

Organic Easter Cheeseboard. The Trethowan Brothers 

  1. The eating experience

Be sure to cut your guests slices of cheese that include the full slice, by trimming or cutting just the “nose” from a cheese you will not experience the full profile, which will change throughout any real, handmade cheese.

How to cut cheese. The Trethowan Brothers

We recommend beginning with mild cheeses, and working your way up to the more mature flavours, for the full tasting experience

Now, enjoy!

To buy a ready made selection of artisan handmade cheeses to be delivered to your door, browse our online shop
